Online Tutoring

Free Online Tutoring is an online tutoring service for students taking online and blended classes.

Students in on-campus classes should continue to use the Success Center.

Online students are provided 5 hours of free online tutoring. Students who run out of free hours are encouraged to contact to request more free hours. Additional hours will be provided if the student’s hours were used for tutoring in an online class and the school limit has not been reached.



  • App - use the app to submit papers, retrieve returned papers, participate in live tutoring sessions, and submit offline questions
  • Drop-In Tutoring - get help within minutes by posting math problems, English sentences, A&P notes, etc. on a whiteboard to go over with a tutor
  • Writing Center - Submit an essay or a paragraph for feedback. Allow 48 hours per submission.
  • Scheduled tutoring sessions – Make an appointment at least two days in advance to have an audio or video tutoring session.
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